Pet Insurance FAQs

  • Can I claim for this treatment/procedure/medication on my insurance?

    Only your policy provider can tell you with any certainty whether or not a treatment will be covered by your pet’s insurance - they’re always going to be the best people to ask!

  • How do I initiate a claim with my insurer?

    The short answer: it depends on the insurer!

    If your insurance provider works with VetEnvoy, then we just need you to notify us that you’d like to make a claim, give us your policy number and the names of previous clinics you’ve taken your pet to, and we can handle the rest.

    For all other insurance providers, check their website or your policy paperwork; you may be able to start a claim online, or you may need to fill out a paper form or send an email.

  • My insurance company rejected my claim - can the vet help?

    Yes - but only to a certain extent. A lot of the time claims are denied due to clauses in the fine print, or misunderstanding how an insurance provider uses certain terms.

    If the insurance provider needs testimony about the clinical aspects of a denied claim, our vets will be happy to help as much as they are able to.

    For everything else, follow your insurance provider’s complaints policy; if their response doesn’t satisfactorily resolve or clarify the issue, the next port of call is the Financial Ombudsman.

  • My pet had treatment at another clinic, can you help me claim for it?

    When we send information to an insurance provider, we have to guarantee that these are our normal prices, and that all treatment given was appropriate to the situation. As we cannot make these guarantees on another clinic’s behalf, you will have to discuss making a claim with them.

  • Can my insurance provider pay my vet bills directly?

    Generally we ask that clients settle any bills in full on the day of treatment, and then seek reimbursement from their insurance provider.

    In exceptional circumstances, however, we can do direct claims. If this is an option you wish to pursue, please let us know this in advance of any treatment. We will have to submit your request for approval by one of our Veterinary Directors, and will also need additional information and paperwork from the policyholder.

  • Can my provider guarantee that my pet will be covered for an upcoming treatment?

    Some (but not all) providers offer a “pre-authorisation” process. This involves sending information about upcoming treatment, including an estimate, to the insurance company. They will then review this and let you know to what extent it will be covered.

    Many providers do not provide this service, so if you are unsure, please contact them first.