Innovative Treatments for Elbow Dysplasia at The Elbow Clinic: PRP and Hyaluronic Acid Joint Injections

At Pet People Pro, we aim to provide the most up to date and innovative treatments for your pet, especially when it comes to managing elbow dysplasia in dogs.

Understanding the discomfort and mobility issues associated with a lame dog, we have incorporated advanced therapies like Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) and Hyaluronic Acid injections to offer relief and aid in the healing process.

Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) Injections

One of the advanced treatments we offer is PRP injections. This procedure involves drawing a small blood sample from your pet and processing it to concentrate the platelets found in the plasma, the liquid component of blood. These concentrated platelets are then re-injected into your dog's affected joints.

The science behind PRP injections is centred around the platelets' ability to release growth factors and other healing elements. These factors play a crucial role in repairing tissue damage, especially beneficial in managing lower grades of osteoarthritis seen early in the disease process in dogs with elbow dysplasia. 

Hyaluronic Acid Injections

In conjunction with PRP, we also use Hyaluronic Acid injections. Hyaluronic Acid is a key component of synovial fluid, which naturally lubricates and cushions joints. In dogs with elbow dysplasia and associated osteoarthritis, the concentration of Hyaluronic Acid in the joints tends to decrease, leading to increased joint pain and stiffness.

We can improve the shock-absorbing properties of the cartilage and enhance joint lubrication by injecting Hyaluronic Acid directly into the affected joint. This not only alleviates discomfort but can also aid in the overall mobility of a lame dog, making it much easier for them to move and engage in daily activities.

Pet People Thoughts

At The Elbow Clinic, our commitment to treating elbow dysplasia in dogs goes beyond traditional methods. We offer our canine patients a chance at improved joint health and a better quality of life by incorporating PRP and Hyaluronic Acid joint injections into our treatment protocols. If your dog is showing signs of being lame or suffering from joint pain, these innovative therapies could be the solution. 

Our dedicated team is ready to assess your pet’s condition and discuss how PRP and Hyaluronic Acid treatments can make a difference.

Click here to fill out our enquiry form and start your pet's journey to better joint health.

At Pet People Pro, we've streamlined our referral process for your convenience. To get bespoke care for elbow dysplasia at The Elbow Clinic, just ask your primary care vet to submit our easy-to-use referral form or register your pet as a patient at Pet People, and we'll promptly reach out to help with your pet's journey


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