To CT, or not to CT, that is the question! - The exciting arrival of our new CT!

Exciting news is in the air at Pet People Vets! We're thrilled to introduce a new addition to our veterinary toolkit – a state-of-the-art CT scanner. This advanced technology is set to make a positive impact on how we care for our beloved pets. In this blog, we'll explore the benefits of CT scanning, its practical applications and how it's enhancing the care options available to the pets of Southwest London and beyond.

Our commitment to providing the best possible care for pets has led us to bring in a cutting-edge CT scanner. This machine employs X-rays to create detailed 3D images of pets' internal structures. This non-invasive procedure allows us to gain valuable insights into their health without causing any discomfort.

What is a CT scanner? 

A CT scanner, short for Computed Tomography, is a sophisticated medical imaging technology used in veterinary practice to provide detailed cross-sectional images of a pet's internal structures. It operates by combining X-ray images taken from various angles around the body. These images are processed by a computer to create three-dimensional images, offering veterinarians a comprehensive view of the pet's anatomy. In veterinary practice, CT scanning aids in the accurate diagnosis of various conditions, such as tumours, fractures, and internal injuries. It is non-invasive and relatively quick, making it an essential tool for obtaining precise diagnostic information that assists veterinarians in planning tailored treatment strategies for each pet's needs.

The Advantages of CT Scanning
  • Accurate Diagnoses: a CT scanner's precision enables us to pinpoint issues that might not be visible through other diagnostic procedures such as standard x-rays or ultrasound. 

  • Comprehensive Imaging: Unlike standard X-rays, CT scans provide comprehensive views, helping us understand complex conditions and plan treatments more effectively. We can examine the patient's anatomy in extreme detail, helping us work towards a diagnosis more efficiently. 

  • Efficiency: CT scans are relatively quick, minimising stress for pets. This speed ensures that we can quickly assess their condition and take necessary actions as soon as possible. We send our CT images to a specialist and often receive the patient reports in a few days or sooner if we have an emergency or urgent case.

  • Non-Invasive Process: The non-invasive nature of CT scanning reduces the need for invasive procedures, promoting a smoother recovery process.

  • Neurological Insights: CT scans assist in diagnosing neurological issues such as brain tumours and spinal injuries.

  • Orthopaedic Understanding: For pets with bone fractures or joint problems, CT scans provide clear insights, aiding us in planning surgeries and treatment strategies. We are also working closely with the team from Pro Vet Surg to bring advanced orthopaedic surgical options to the clinic. 

  • Cancer Detection: Detecting and staging cancers becomes more accurate with CT scans, enabling us to make well-informed decisions regarding treatments.

  • Organ Evaluation: CT scanning helps us diagnose internal organ conditions, including liver and urinary tract disorders.

This list could go on! The bottom line is, CT is an invaluable piece of equipment to have in practice. By having one in our very own practice, this reduces the need to refer patients externally to have this done. 

The arrival of the CT scanner at Pet People Vets reflects our commitment to staying at the forefront of pet care. With this technology, we can diagnose and treat pets with greater accuracy and care. The upcoming Pet People Pro service is just another step in our journey towards ensuring pets lead healthier, happier lives. As always, our dedication to your pets' well-being remains at the heart of everything we do. 


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